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品牌: 洛阳广通
联系人: 孙党伟
联系电话: 0379-68629488
厂家: 洛阳广通
规格: 40-3000
连接方式: 卡箍式
单价: 103.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 10000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河南 洛阳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-02-02 21:30
浏览次数: 48
  Clamp Pipe joint  Connect the playground Luoyang Hejiang tube clamp work is very simple, no special skills, ordinary workers through simple training to operate. This is because the number of products has been part of the technology with fine factory way to dissolve in the finished product. A fitting connection is only a few minutes, to maximize the technical difficulty of the field to simplify the playground, save time, thereby also stable the quality of the project, improve the efficiency of the work. This is also the general direction of the development of the installation technology. The traditional welding and flange connection of the pipe connection, not only need to have the appropriate skills of welding workers, but also time-consuming, the operation of workers is difficult, and the existence of welding fume pollution. Due to the differences of operating space and welding skills, the welding quality and appearance are difficult to achieve satisfactory results. So as to affect the overall quality of the project. In addition, because the pipe for finished products, the desired operating space, can be realized on the corner of the installation, operation difficulty is greatly reduced, thus saving the occupied area, beautify the pipeline installation effect.

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